Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Caution: Mamas can say mean things

Shocking, but true. This little gem was delivered after I reprimanded her about taking off with the new phone. The new phone that I absolutely canNOT lose, damage or destroy.

She also informed me (several times) that she was just having a bad day. We desperately needed to get outside, but a pending appointment for teeth cleaning at 2:50 pm had a seemingly immobilizing effect on us. She finally changed out of her pajamas at 1:30. Is it any wonder we have difficulties getting anywhere on time? We're only able to make it to Sunday School on time (most days) because of the lure of the doughnut. I get in serious trouble if we're not early enough for snack.

She did voluntarily read one of the stories from Three Stories You Can Read to Your Cat. And we timed ourselves to find out how long it takes to put the Tinkerbell puzzle together (8:33, in case you were wondering). She also tried to make a bookmark, instructions courtesy of Highlights magazine, but became extremely frustrated with the results. I'm tempted to place a moratorium on crafting until we get this straightened out.


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Is that 8 hours 33 minutes or 8 minutes 33 seconds??? The second doesn't sound TOO bad...

Mandy said...

Of course mamas can say mean things. We are human after all. Kids say mean things too. :)